Sunday 30 July 2023

Nairobi National Park

 Just 7 kilometers south of Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya lies a unique one of its kind National park. Here the open grasslands are home to some unique wildlife - from rhinos to lions to the elusive leopard and cheetahs. Nairobi park is home to numerous wildlife, flora and fauna and over 400 species of wildlife. 

Nairobi National park is also home to the famous ivory burning site. This is an important site in the annals of conservation. In 1989, Kenyan president Daniel Arap Moi made a dramatic statement to poachers worldwide by setting fire to 11 tons of seized ivory. In 2016 then President Uhuru Kenyatta oversaw the burning of 105 tons of ivory and 1.3 tons of rhino horn. 

There is a unique juxtaposition of a thriving cityscapes and a natural habitat with wild open spaces. Nairobi national park was gazetted as Kenya's first national park on 6th December, 1946 and covers about 117 square kilometers. This unique park is also a breeding area for Rhinos which are then translocated to other parks in Kenya. Nairobi park is also a bird watchers paradise, you can also have excellent game viewing and the park has some amazing picnic locations. 

Lioness in Nairobi park.

Lioness with her cubs. 

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